





9月24日(月)Gold Coast(Australia)より来校、1週間本校生徒宅にホームステイ滞在し、多彩な交流と活動・体験をエンジョイした St. Andrews Lutheran College の生徒17名と引率スタッフ3名が30日(日)夕成田空港から帰国の途につきました。

今年で3回目になる St. Andrews 訪日研修団の本校滞在中の交流や活動の姿を点描します。

Learning Experiece of Japanese Traditional Sports and Culture – Kendo & Tea Ceremony

― 日本の伝統スポーツ・伝統文化(剣道・茶道)の体験学習 ― 26日(水)




We hope they could feel the heart & spirit of Japanese traditional culture.

Exploring Nature in Moomin Mura Village and Learning How To Cook Chirashi Zushi

― ムーミン村で自然探索 / 家庭科授業でちらし寿司づくり ―

ムーミン村27日(木)午前。本校近郊の「あけぼのの森公園」に出かけ、フィンランド生まれのcartoon “Moomin”(ムーミン)をモチーフした村を探索、日本のアニメ文化に触れました。

Farewell Function; Promoting the Friendship beween both our schools

― 楽しさの中にも惜別の「送別会」― 両校の友好親善の深まりを!

理事長挨拶Mrs Rebekah Hill 感謝の言葉28日(金)午後、St. Andrews の20名の皆さんと全ホストファミリー・ホストスチューデント、そして多くの教職員の参加のもと大講堂において Farewell Function(送別会)が盛大に行われました。

本学園理事長による送別の挨拶(英語Full Text 参照)、St. Andrews スタッフ代表 Mrs Rebekah Hill からの日本語での感謝の言葉、両校生徒代表のスピーチに続き、ステージでホストの保護者などによる和太鼓のスペシャル・ライブが響き渡り、会場は興奮に包まれました。


Board Chair’s Farewell Speech
St. Andrews Lutheran College Touring Group 2012
Good afternoon.
Thank you so much for your joining us at this farewell to St. Andrews Touring Group made up of the 17 student members led by Rebekah Mrs Hill, Allison Mrs Craig-Ward and Adam Mr Maessen to visit here and stay with us from last Monday.First we deeply appreciate your welcoming the 12 students and 2 staff from our school with your hard work last July to August. Our students who visited your city had their lifetime experiences through a diversity of programs your people arranged, enjoying homestays, good taste of Australian culture, local events and outdoor activities. And to return your kindness and hospitality our students were given there in Gold Coast we have been doing our most for you to have nice time here at Higashino in Iruma City.

During the six-day-stay here, even though it’s too short, it was great to see you all being so friendly, positively and sincerely involved in all our planned activities including homestays and really making the most of having time at school, enjoying Japanese traditional culture and a taste of our daily life. I believe you not only will foster friendly relationship and mutual understanding but also you’ve had a true Japan experience and seen the positive or negative aspects of Japan society, and I hope you would learn how to adapt to the social change and to open your mind to the outside world because high school students are to play important roles in the 21st century.

Time flies very quickly. Our wonderful time with you at school and home here is coming to a close, and your party is to leave Tokyo for Gold Coast day after tomorrow. We look forward so much to another visit from your College in 2014.

Once again—sincere thanks for a very fine group of students. This visit was a big success and I pay great respect to the three teaching staff for their care and attention.

I’d like to end up by expressing my special thanks to the students, the parents and families of our school who have been hosting the St. Andrews students for the great care during their stay here.

Thank you.

By T. Nakamura

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